
Flânerie and Rambling

…To Baudelaire, the female equivalent of the male flâneur was a street prostitute, a distinction that later writers have recognised as implying an urban space that is, quite literally, created by the male gaze. There is also the matter of class, dealt with by Benjamin. The flâneur’s leisure and exalted position as a recorder of events comes from the fact that he has independent wealth that absolves him of the dirty necessities of participating in the city’s economic life. In the contemporary city, this class status is challenged by the existence of the precariat, the unemployed or underemployed class who have leisure and a passive status in economic life thrust upon them…

Speak of the Devil

…Images reflect and reinforce the values and prejudices, that is to say the ideology, of society and of individuals, whether conscious or unconscious. This makes the study of images a subject of particular importance, because we live in an age where ideology is often unstated, and where many seem to enjoy living under the illusion that they possess no ideology, possibly because that means they never have to question it…

 What is Conspiracism?

…Since power is centralised under the Cabal, conspiracists tend to believe that conventional political distinctions, such as those between the left and the right, do not exist, that they are an element of ‘controlled opposition’ designed to provide the illusion of choice to the masses who are under the sway of the Cabal, and generally they view themselves as existing outside of politics, beholden to no ideology but the truth…

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